Monday, November 28, 2016

Week 5 Monday

This week we leaned we have a new challenge for our robot. Our challenge is that we have to throw stars and cubes over the other side, but there is one zone that is one point and a zone that is two points. We have a 15 second autonomous period and a minute and 45 seconds in drive mode. This week our goal is to run the challenge a couple times and get a grade since its due next week Tuesday.

Monday, November 21, 2016

week 4 Monday

This week we have to complete the gmetrix practice test and test by Tuesday. Thats the only thing we have to do this week and then we have Thanksgiving break on Wednesday. And Henry has a solidworks test on Tuesday.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Week 3 Friday

This week we completed some of our goals. We finished the solidworks for our robot that can be viewed in another post. Also the challenge ended and we got a 105% on it. Unfortunately, no one in our group finished the gmetrix test and pre test but it was extended to next week Tuesday.


Monday, November 14, 2016

week 3 Monday

After completing the challenge for the robot there is only two hings left to do. Our goal for this week is for every member in our group to complete the Gmetrix practice test that is due Friday. Also another goal is to complete the solidworks for our new robot.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Friday week 2

At the end of thee week we finally redid the test. We flipped 19 stars over the other side putting us at a 95 percent thus, accomplishing our weekly goal. Also some of the students in our group started a pretest on a program called grometrics. This pretest is due later next week.


Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday week 2

This week there isn't much to do for our robot. Our goal for the work is to find strategy to improve our score in the new challenge. We are aiming for an A so anything between a 90 and above.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Friday week 1

At the end of the week, we successfully completed our objective for the week. Our strategy for the robot was to knock down the stars hanging in the middle and throwing the rest of the stars. We decided to keep our original design and not create something to hang our robot. On Thursday we ran an official run and threw 16 stars giving us an 80%.